The maximum amount of rent your SDA provider can ask from you is:
The SDA provider can ask for this maximum rent amount even if you do not receive a Disability Support Pension or Commonwealth Rent Assistance. The percentage of your pension to be paid is based on the maximum basic rate paid to you, either as a member of a couple or not a member of a couple.
Make certain wherever possible that your rental agreements are included in your Service Agreement with the SDA provider.
If I live with other people, will they also need to pay rent?
You can choose who you would like to live with in an SDA, including family / children, friends, partners or other people who are not eligible for SDA supports, or another participant who is also eligible for SDA supports.
Who you choose to live with needs to be discussed with your SDA provider, and except in the case of children under 18 years old, they will need to pay their own rent to the SDA provider. For non-SDA adults, this rent is not capped but must be in line with state and territory tenancy laws.
You can even choose to share your bedroom while living in SDA. This needs to be discussed with the NDIS to make certain your supports and safety can be maintained and agreed to by your SDA provider and any other housemates. If you share your bedroom, the person you share with will also need to pay rent, as agreed to with the SDA provider and any other housemates you may have.